Page 8 - Teen Explorer 7 new - zeszyt ćwiczeń
P. 8


        1  Wstaw słowa z ramki do wypowiedzi 10 osób.         3  Napisz pełnymi zdaniami, co dzieje się
                                                                 na obrazkach A–D.
             clean  cut  give  help  look  make
             meet  sell  take  teach                                                  A                       B

           1  I work in a school. I         maths.

           2  I work in a café. I         people food
              and drink.                                                              C                       D

           3  I work in a hotel in Kraków. I        people.

           4  I work in a book shop. I         books.
                                                                 A  The teenager                            balls.

                                                                 B  The girl                                   or
           5  I work in a salon in Warsaw.                                                         a text message.
              I         people’s hair.
                                                                 C  The bird                            in the sky.

                                                                 D  The ballerina                       on stage.
           6  I work in a bank. I         and give money.
                                                              4  Dopasuj określenia czasu do odpowiedniej
           7  I work in a hospital. I         people.            kategorii.

                                                                  always  at the moment  sometimes
           8  I work in a Polish restaurant in London.            never  now  usually  this month  often
              I         pierogi.
                                                                       Present simple       Present continuous

           9  I work in a factory. I         after
              the machines.

         10  I work in an office. I         the floors,       5  Uzupełnij pola w tabeli zdaniami w czasie
              windows and doors.
                                                                 present simple i present continuous.
                                                                    How                    Shop
        2  Dopasuj poniższe zawody do wypowiedzi                   often /    Teacher     assistant    Waiter
            z zadania 1.

             cashier  chef  cleaner  doctor  engineer              always
             hairdresser  receptionist  shop assistant
             teacher  waiter

            1                         6                             at the
            2                         7
            3                         8

            4                         9                             never
            5                         10

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